• Image of 816:MIX - CD

Abel Okugawa’s 816 Mix takes you places. Far beyond the usual pulp electronica drivel, Okugawa manifests environments of modernity. Sketches both tangible and elusive, this music incorporates an electronic approach with elements of hip-hop, soul, and no-wave. Sometimes seemingly organic, sometimes chilly and alien, Okugawa manages to call forth imaginative scenes. The opening song
‘Trumpethed’, with an urban-funk vibe, has trademark Okugawa female vocal stylings. Often Okugawa finds himself in Beth Orton-ish territory with these female vocals he characteristically uses so well. From track-to-track, the tone and direction vary. Not static, the album exudes a smooth confidence. In particular, strong songs include ‘Dreamseries’, ‘Angels’, ‘911′, and ‘Trumpethed’. The track ‘Fresh City’
features an MC and beats that break nice. ‘Zero Cossing’ and ‘Chip Chop’ are outings in minimalism. On the whole, a highly recommended release.